Giga Pet Instruction Manuals

Instruction manuals in PDF format for most of the classical Giga Pets and Giga Pets Plus that were released in the late 90's and early 00's.

N.B. I do not have the manuals for the Giga Pets that Hasbro released in 2006 that could also connect to a Giga Pets Explorer TV dock, nor for the relaunched Giga Pets released by Top Secret Toys from 2018 onwards.

To read the manuals, you will need a PDF reader. Most modern browsers have one built in, or you may wish to download standalone software for your computer or smart device.

Windows Users: right-click on the name of the Giga Pet and then select "Save As". If you are still using the Adobe PDF Reader, do not select 'Run' when clicking on the download, instead please save it somewhere and then open it from there.

Mac Users: shift-click on the name of the Giga Pet and then select "Save As".

Note: I could NOT find the instructions for the "Babe and friends" Pig Giga Pet, or the standalone Tweety Giga Pet, or for the rest of the Giga Fighters. I do hope to find them someday!

[101 Dalmatians] [A Bug's Life]
[Cabbage Patch Kids] [Compu Kitty]
[Digital Doggie] [Floppy Frog]
[Giga Farm] [Giga Pound]
[Little Mermaid] [Looney Tunes]
[Baby T-Rex] [Giga Circus]
[Sabrina's Cat Salem] [Small Solders]
[Komputer Koala] [Micro Chimp]
[Star Wars R2D2] [Star Wars Rancor]
[Star Wars Yoda] [Rugrats]
[Bit Critter] [Bitty Kitty]
[Digi Pooch] [Micro Pup]
[Barbie Precious Kitty] [Virtual Alien]
[Batman & Robin Giga Fighter] [WCW & nWo Giga Fighter]

I hope you find these links useful! If a link doesn't work, or you have the instructions for a Giga Pet that I don't have here, please let me know via my feedback form.

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