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This page has been archived and will no longer be updated.

Bladeagotchi will no longer be updated from the start of 2012, as I lost nearly my entire collection in the floods of 2011. Bladeagotchi is now archived and kept online for historical purposes only.

Here are some photos of my Tamagotchi Connexions.

I have a blue (with the red screen trim) Australian Version 1 Connexion; a white (with yellow screen trim) Australian Version 1 Connexion; and a green (with white screen trim) Australian V2 connexion.

If you hover your mouse over a picture, a description of the photo ought to pop up.

V1 - Hinotamatchi playing the Eating game against another tama If you try to connect a V2 to a V1 and select the wrong option, you'll get this message. Hitodetchi on my V2
Kinakomotchi playing the hurdles game on a V1 V1 - Kuchipatchi is visiting Kinakomotchi and giving her a gift. What's inside it? V2 Circuit Board. Australian V2's can not be debugged.
This is either Hinatchi or Nikatchi on my V2, having a bath This is either Hinatchi or Nikatchi on my V2, eating. This is either Hinatchi or Nikatchi on my V2, sleeping.
This is Kuchipatchi doing the Flower Dance on my V1.

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