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Welcome to Blade's Place - a collection of unrelated web pages for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy your stay!

[GeoHoods @ Blade's Place]
A list of all the now defunct homestead Neighborhoods (Neighbourhoods) and Suburbs of Geocities. Now a memory to the Legacy of, and a brief history of Geocities, cruelly shut down on 27 October 2009. Updated Page

[Candidate Cities for Future Olympic and Paralympic Games]
A database of bidding cities and bid results the Summer and Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, from 2012 to 2034.

The following pages have been archived and will no longer be updated.

The following pages will no longer be updated or maintained and remain online as archives for historical purposes.

[Travel Security in Israel]
A guide for tourists on how to stay safe and travel effectively, explaining that the country is a safe and secure place for tourists. Archived Page

[Australian Second Level Domain Name System]
Explanation of the Australian Second Level (2LDs) Domain Name System, covering all 2LDs that are open (in use), closed or obsolete. Archived Page

[Bladeagotchi @ Blade's Place - Virtual Pets]
Information and more on various virtual pets that I have owned/reviewed. Now including the ultra-rare 'My Family' pet, New Tamagotchi Plus, Connexion, Connection, Ketai, Akai and Hanerutchi, along with instructions for the original Giga Pets. Archived Page

[Ode to the Lounge Chat Room]
Honour Roll for those who chatted in the "Lounge", a former MSN / NineMSN chat room in the Australian General Forum. Archived Page

[Should abortion be legalised in Queensland, Australia?]
Argumentative essay on the social issues and legislation on abortion in the state of Queensland, Australia. Archived Page

[My Russian Keyboard Labels Saga]
I've bemoaned on my Support Us pages for years that I need Russian Keyboard Labels for my computer. So imagine my suprise when, out of the blue, I got an email from a company that they'll send me some for FREE! Archived Page

at Blade's Place logo

Proudly wasting bandwidth since 20 April 1996!

Which Matrix Character Are You? Quiz. I got the Oracle.

Which Matrix Character Are You? Quiz. I got Tank.

Which Matrix Character Are You? Quiz. I got the Persephone.


Which Greek God Are You?

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